Welcome to Indi.
The Independent Mortgage Company.

Got a mortgage?

Want a better one?

Hi, we're Indi. Short for independent. And shorter still for what we do.

We're The Independent Mortgage Company.

And we are on the side of independent thinking kiwis who are sick of the big bank way of doing things.

Coming from careers in big banks ourselves, we've seen the good and the bad.

And the fat.

Especially when it comes to mortgages.

We think it's time to cut that fat.

To trim off everything you don't need and have only the bits you do need.

With direct, online mortgages that will save you time and money.

That's it. That's all we do. Simple.

Which, incidentally, is how we approach everything.

From our look to the fast sign-up process to how we speak.

No big bank puffery. No big bank ads. Even no big bank buildings.

All of which means no big bank waffle to deal with and no big bank overheads for you to pay.

We're outside of all that. We're better than that.

We're grown up, smart, logical, and irrefutable.

We're independent.

And we think there are plenty of kiwis who are just like us.

What we do

We offer mortgages. No fixed terms, a great floating rate that stays great. No lock-in, no break fees, no fees for anything. Flexible payments that you can adjust any time at the click of a button, with no penalties or caps on repayments.

Where we're at

We are lending now to select customers, and we are preparing for general availability to the public. If the idea of an independent mortgage and escaping from the big banks appeals to you, then you can talk to us about becoming one of our early customers.